Oak Foundation Learning Differences Programme


Oak Foundation

In the Learning Differences Programme we provide core support and project grants to strengthen teacher development, student engagement and parental understanding to enable students to follow their own individual paths to lifelong learning success. We seek partners who design and create learning environments that are informed by student voices, neuroscience, personalised learning best practices and universal design concepts.

We support partners who:

1) Strengthen Teacher Capacity
Prepare teachers to expect and plan for all students’ learning profiles, especially those with learning differences.
2) Engage Students
Engage students with learning differences as key partners in their own learning and development.
3) Enhance Parent Knowledge and Support
Provide parents of students with learning differences the information, tools and guidance needed to support student academic, social and emotional success.
4) Personalise Learning Environments
Support the application of personalised learning and neuroscience research findings to strengthen educational environments for students with learning differences.
5) Build Demand
Promote awareness of, and strengthen demand for, educational environments that are responsive to students with learning differences.
6) Explore Learner Profile Tool(s)
Develop or enhance tools that support educators, parents and students in better understanding and responding to individual learner profiles.

Through these strategies, the programme will continue its efforts to improve the lives of those with learning differences across the globe. Our hope is that students with a wide range of learning profiles achieve success within public schools, from kindergarten through to high school, and transition to and through college and other post-secondary opportunities.