Funding Resources

FPG maintains a list of Active Funding Opportunities and Ongoing Opportunities on this page (see tabs above). An email message highlighting new funding opportunities is sent to the FPG EHRA and FPG Fellows listservs each Wednesday. If you come across additional funding opportunities that you feel the FPG community would benefit from seeing, please forward them to Amy Frazier.

Campus Research Resources

UNC Research provides a wealth of information on their Funding Information Portal. This portal is a central repository of resources maintained by the Graduate Funding Information Center and the Office of Research Development that aids UNC-Chapel Hill faculty, staff, postdoctoral scholars, and graduate students in seeking information on funding sources for independent research, collaborative projects, fellowships, program development, and other scholarly activities. The portal includes a list of funding databases and directories. You can request an InfoEd SPIN funding search demonstration via email. You can also subscribe to the ORD FUNDamentals Newsletter on this site.

More Helpful Resources

Communicating Your Qualitative Research Design – Spencer Foundation
A Guide to Writing Successful Field-Initiated Research Grant Proposals – Spencer Foundation
Grant Proposals (or Give me the money!) – The Writing Center
7 Myths About Winning Institutional Grants – EAB

Searchable Databases