Grants Program


International Foundation

The International Foundation’s philanthropic strategy is to work in collaboration with US-based non-profits to support activities that measurably improve the lives of the poor and disadvantaged in low-to-middle income countries around the world. The sponsors strategy seeks change in the intermediate area between individuals and national organizations, where community members work together toward a shared vision.

Simply stated, the International Foundation funds grants in three key areas—health, education and incomes. However, each of these areas represents a range of investment opportunities that, if integrated with other program areas, can lead to broader, more balanced and more sustainable results. In any given program area, we fund approaches that focus on building local leadership, delivering measurable results, and ensuring the sustainability of program benefits over time.

Public Health: Reproductive health and family planning, maternal and child health, nutrition, sanitation, and water for sanitation and health (WASH).

Education: Literacy (including adult education), basic education (pre-K through secondary), information technology for livelihoods, and vocational skills — all in formal and non-formal settings

Incomes: Agriculture, food security, environment and entrepreneurship