Children's Health Grants


Lucile Packard Foundation

We invest in programs and projects that contribute to improving systems of care for children with special health care needs and their families

We pursue systems change through three focus areas: care coordination, family engagement, and systems and standards. We give priority to programs and projects that can affect a large number of children and families, build on existing knowledge, and have the potential for sustainability and replicability.

Organizations seeking grant funding must meet the following criteria:

Are classified as tax exempt under 501(c)(3) or are a public or educational entity; collaborations of nonprofit and public agencies with a designated fiscal sponsor; or entities that have a charitable purpose.
Promote and maintain nondiscriminatory policies in programs and the workplace.
The Foundation may consider providing support for conferences, but the content of the conference must advance the Foundation’s mission and align with our focus areas.

We do not fund:

Disease- or condition-specific projects
Support for direct service programs
Biomedical research or technology-based applications
Religious organizations
Fundraising sponsorships, endowments, capital campaigns, or annual fund appeals

The system of care cannot be transformed without engaging families as full partners in the planning and implementation of health care policies, programs, and individual service plans. We require that family members have a meaningful role in all grant-funded activities. We believe appropriate compensation of family experts encourages equal partnership throughout all stages of a project, builds capacity for diverse representation of family members, reduces barriers to participation, and demonstrates the value of the parent voice.

Application Process
Interested applicants should first submit a Letter of Inquiry through our Grant Portal. Letters of Inquiry are accepted on a rolling basis. Applicants will receive a response within four weeks.
